Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Dennis Green Has Solved the Cardinals' Problems

How many times over the last decade have football fans lamented the fact that Keith Rowen was coaching their football team into the ground? More than I can count. Well, Will Leitch and other Arizona Cardinal fans, it's time to breathe easy, because Dennis Green has taken charge of the situation and fired that piece of shit Rowen as the team's offensive coordinator.

That should just about do it. I think we can all safely avert our attention away from last night's disaster and expect a quick turnaround for the Birds. Thank God Denny Green's in charge.


  1. Dennis Green is the Coach of the Year! Crown his ass!

  2. denny green, when fired, should go replace larry coker, when he gets fired, at Miami. That'd be fun.

  3. Denny Green doesn't care about Offensive Coordinators.

  4. I guess 23 points against the Bears just isn't good enough.

  5. Dennis Green is the human equivelant of a retro-virus unleashed on a fairly talented football team. "Marburg Denny" lives.

  6. That's bullshit! Bullshit! Keith Rowen is who we thought he was! He is who we thought he was!

  7. That's gotta hurt!

    damn you laser pointer man!

  8. Last resort of the soon-to-be unemployed cowardly douchebag -- firing the coordinators.
