Thursday, October 19, 2006

At This Point, Who Hasn't Been With Leather?

Going off this Deadspin tip, we at KSK have just learned about a great new sports blog called With Leather. It's apparently written by someone extremely handsome and witty, although that's just something Scarlett Johansson told me, and what does she know?

Word on the street -- and by "street" I mean "my email inbox" -- is that Deadspin commenter twoeightnine (he of Marcus Vick, Mo Clarett, and Leitch-as-Che fame) will be producing Photoshop genius for With Leather soon, so keep checking back in.

No, seriously. Keep checking. Like, all the time. And click on the ad banners, too.


  1. Leather, my ass. That shit is naugahyde.

    Do you know how many naugas they had to kill to make babygirl's outfit?

  2. Isn't that vinyl?

    Spin the white hoochie!

  3. CC, my bosses will kill you, or at least give it a try. Do you really think I need another sports blog to delegate time to during my work day?

    (btw, the answer is yes)

  4. Good luck with all that, Captain. I look forward to many lost hours on the new site.

    BBD: Nice Pearl Jam reference!

  5. CC: The Don King of Blogging.

    Slow down there, Mr. Self-Promote.

  6. That woman's a bit jowly. Me thinks she swallowed a brick.

  7. Good luck marine. Nice tits and factory air make me want to jack it.

  8. Looks nice.

    Oh, and the new blog does too. More hours to waste on the internet.

  9. the Don King of Blogging

    Set your eyes upon the most splendiferous of sports spontaneical laughter. With Leather is a prepositional, propositional, oppositional opportunity to dismantle the devious and depraved by demanding douchebags be destroyed.

    /the Don King of Blogging

  10. cc, you are indeed a promoter of the people for the people and by the people and your magic lies in your people ties.
