Tuesday, August 8, 2006

Orenthal James Simpson: Judge Not Lest Ye Be Judged

At KSK we look back on the days of the OJ Simpson trial with fond remembrances. The trial helped to elevate Saturday Night Live back into our mainstream consciousness thanks in part to Norm MacDonald. The Trial of the Century was the golden era for football-related comedy regardless of how long the Juice had been out of the League. Nobody really knew what to think at first, but as details emerged, so did hilarious segments on television screens everywhere. Honestly I just wish we could have been around back then to provide our take...and now's our chance.

A new website called JudgeOJ has suddenly appeared with the promise of over 80 hours of uncut, unscripted moments of OJ just doin' his thing. They've got OJ at the bus stop (how the mighty have fallen), evidently his golf cart is in the shop. Basically OJ gave some guy named Spiderman carte blanche to follow him around with a camera over the course of four years (well it sounded like a good idea). Now this enterprising film buff has created this website that he has been filling up with priceless, and previously unseen, candid moments. The apparent goal of this site is to have visitors judge the Juice for themselves based on the "evidence" provided (ok it's not really evidence...but it's fun to dress up like Judge Ito). At some point I imagine a winning side will be crowned.

Here we offer you a short preview of what's sure to come. In this short video we see three lovely young ladies availing OJ of their services at a club. That's him in the chair praising Jesus and commenting on the relative goodness of his life.

For much more be sure to check back with Judge OJ as updates are posted. Something tells me the "Jury Room" is going to be quite a bit of fun.

For a more "newsy" angle on this story check out this article from ABC.com


  1. Those three girls are contestants on OJ's new reality show, "Who Wants To Be Stabbed!"

  2. Nice work breaking this before Deadspin,

  3. If OJ hadn't murdered 2 people, the career of Kato Kaelin would never have happened. Isn't that reason enough to forgive him?

  4. Is this a preview of the new season of Survivor? It's nice to see that they revamped their format before it became stale.

  5. I didn't see him kill anyone in the video.

  6. The website is down...apparently OJ loved it too much.

  7. Your lucky, OJ obviously doesn't love you too much...or else you'd be decapitated in an alley, holding MMP's spectacles in your cold dead hand.

  8. That looks like any club in Miami. Hell, I can walk in and get two hot chicks dancing on my lap and i'm white, old, and ugly.

  9. Why doesn't the Juice have his own network? Is there a capaicty in which OJ does not make for good TV (NBA Finals excluded)? An OJ dating show? OJ cooking? OJ's extreme makeovers?

  10. it's in philly.
    and i'd believe your claim if you had hundreds hanging out your fly

  11. So you brutally kill two people, and all of a sudden you're a total pariah.

    This is not the America in which I was raised. The terrorists have won.

  12. We have a winner. danny boy, please come up and collect your prize: A fabulous weekend getaway to Bakersfield.

  13. Sure, Anon, kick a man while he's down. And by down, I mean in Bakersfield. And by in Bakersfield, I mean slowly dying inside.

    Et tu, Anon?

  14. It appears that most of the previous postees are from the South Side of Bakersfield! What the hell is wrong with going to a club and honey's wanting to chair dance with you? Are you gay? It did appear to me that he was sitting down smoking a cigar and somebody came over and decided to have a bit of fun with him. Was he supposed to jump up and kick the crap out of them? That would seem to make you feel better had that happened. I guess that since the trial he is supposed to swear off women? Become gay? Like someone else said earlier, I don't see him committing any crime in that video, unless, he is not supposed to smile. Yeah, that would be a great thing to arrest him for, smiling and smoking a Ceegar with some white women. Yeah, that's the ticket!

  15. If I DID IT! - The Real OJ BOOK... " To Kill an Orenthal " Written by Martin S. Freigger to be released on September 3rd 2007. Check out the publishers website http://www.iKilledoj.com. Sure to be extremely controversial. About a fictitious character named Orenthal James who is beyond despicable in every way... so he is killed multiple times... Check out the website at iKilledOJ.com watch the promotional videos about the new book! The publisher brags "Brilliant on so many levels, you won't know where to begin reading" and "A book that is worth certian praise" - Urgency Reynolds Publishign Co. Be the first to pass on this OJ News!
    Thank you!
    Doug Mackenzie
    email me at dmackenzie@iKilledOJ.com
